Accessible document workflow with Eleventy and Prince

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How this works

This project uses two tools:

  • Eleventy to turn your content into a website
  • Prince to turn one of the webpages into an accessible PDF with special CSS rules that affect the PDF output

Here is a summary of the workflow:

1. You edit your content

Eleventy makes it possible to pull in content from many different sources. So you can write your content in the way you prefer.

You can use:

  • Markdown (.md) files inside the Eleventy project - this is the most direct way to get content into your Eleventy site
  • a content management system, which Eleventy pulls data from when the site is built - eg. WordPress, Drupal, KeystoneJS. The content management system needs to allow you to access the data through an API (eg. a REST API or GraphQL)
  • Microsoft Word documents as input with the plugin eleventy-plugin-docx

2. You create the HTML template, and the PDF template

Inside your Eleventy project, you create the HTML template that the content will be inserted into.

You create two separate templates:

  • a template for the website, including the navigation between pages
  • a specific template for the PDF content, which Prince will convert to a PDF.

In this project, the /pdf-content/ page is the one that gets converted to a PDF.

You can browse the source code of this project to see an example of this.

3. Eleventy builds the website, and Prince converts the 'PDF content' webpage to a PDF

When you run the 'build' command, Eleventy will build the HTML pages ready for publishing.

With the eleventy-plugin-prince-pdf plugin installed, Prince will automatically convert the specified webpage to a PDF after Eleventy builds the website.

If you deploy to a platform like Netlify, it will automatically rebuild the website each time you make changes to the Git repository. If you're using a CMS, you can also set up a 'webhook' that tells Netlify to rebuild the site, when you make content changes.